Nilgun Tekkesin


Nilgun Tekkesin has recieved M.D. from UludaÄŸ University during the period of 1986 - 1992. She started biochemistry specialist carrier at Marmara University. Her doctoral thesis entitled Role of HGF and VEGF in hepatic regeneration after hepatoxin-induced cirrhosis and partial hepatectomy in mice was completed under the direction of Prof. Dr. Yavuz Taga, and got ICCC Kyoto Awards in 2002. She followed her post-doc training as an assistant proffesor of clinical biochemistry in Yeditepe University. Currently, She is the chief of the department of laboratory medicine at ÅžiÅŸli Memorial Hospital, Turkey. I am the medical director of Transfusion Medicine at AtaÅŸehir Memorial Hospital, Turkey. I have authored and co-authored many researched articles. I have presented my researches at national and international congress. I’m a member of Society of Free Radical Research, Turkish Biochemical Society, Turkish Biochemical Specialists Society and IASGO.

Research Interest

Nilgun Tekkesin main areas of research are quality in laboratory medicine, biomarkers in cancer and cardiovascular diseases, in blood coagulation and in hepatocelluler regeneration. She continued my awarded experimental studies in liver regeneration. The hospital is one of the main centre in liver regeneration and this creates new opportunities for me to work on liver, broadly. She dealed with errors in a hospital laboratory and patient safety. Especially, preanalytical errors in coagulation tests causing inapprociate results are the main errors in our laboratory besides many laboratories. The major research interests of her laboratory are to develop preventive medicine programs through clinical biochemistry research and the related basic and application research. Human epididymis protein 4 is one of the novel diagnostic and prognostic marker in ovarian cancers and has a great value combined with CA 125 (ROMA). She study this marker in a routine order in my laboratory and this is the first in Turkey. She improved the unneccesary usage of  so many blood transfusions in transplatation surgery by using thromboelastograph.