Monica Dana Monea

Monica Dana Monea

Monica Dana Monea
Associate Professor
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tirgu-Mures, Romania


 Monica Dana Monea graduated at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tirgu-Mures, Romania. Since 1991 she is a staff member of the Faculty of Dentistry in Tirgu-Mures, Department of Odontology and Periodontology, where besides teaching she worked also as a specialist in general dentistry.
In 1991, as part of the program “Artzen zonder grenzen” she completed a 3 months scholarship in ACTA – Amsterdam, Department of Periodontology under the guidance of Professor Ubele van der Velden.
In 1993 she followed a 2 years ”Postgraduate Program in Dental Education” at the Faculty of Dentistry-University of Oslo, where she received a Certificate in Endodontics. She gained experience in diagnosis and conservative or surgical treatment of various endodontic problems, from inflammatory and infectious diseases of dental pulp to chronic apical periodontitis. In 2002 she became Associate Professor, PhD degree (since 1999) at University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tirgu-Mures (Thesis: Calcium hydroxide in the conservative treatment of apical periodontitis).
She is involved in lectures in Cariology, Endodontics and Periodontology for dental students and post-graduate students which include development of theoretical and practical skills in conservative or surgical treatment of dental caries, apical periodontitis and correlations with periodontal disease.
She is the first author / co-author of 4 books and 72 publications (38 full-papers and 34 abstracts).

Research Interest

She is involved in lectures in Cariology, Endodontics and Periodontology for dental students and post-graduate students which include development of theoretical and practical skills in conservative or surgical treatment of dental caries, apical periodontitis and correlations with periodontal disease.