Mohd Fadhil Md Din

Mohd Fadhil Md Din

Mohd Fadhil Md Din
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia


Since my first appointment as academic staff in 2001, I have established few types of research niche area, such as environmental biotechnology, environmental sustainability, river rehabilitation and modelling programme, municipal and industrial environmental waste application and cleaner technology. Previously, my research works were mainly focused on the wastewater recovery and reuse, E-waste and river water simulations. Recently, I had involved with environmental technology and sustainability project to promote better public health and issue related on global warming. The research was collaborated with Japanese institutions and local authority to investigate the impact of construction material towards urban heat island (UHI). My ultimate Research-Business Model goal in New Academia is to inculcate the essential knowledge of the environment among engineering students and later become responsible engineers who practice sustainable development and help preserve the natural environment for future generations, as I always refer as Public and Private Merits. Furthermore, I hope the students are better equipped with the generic and communication skills required of them in the professional soft-skill.  Students should be trained to be effective in teamwork, able to analyze and strive for a life-long learning.  I would like to enhance the transformation and leadership programme among my postgraduate student. Therefore, most of their research project will be attaching with corporate and industrial-company collaboration especially at international level, as similar model proposed for Urban Heat Island (UHI) Project and Mosquito-Trap Diseases Control. The students will active participate with some specific training, e.g. INNO-PITCH Interview, SME Presentation, 5DOI Workshop and CEO Training. Currently, I personally make a good relationship with all collaborators to propose New Entrepreneurial Research strategy; by setting up the spin-off company with initiative of private and public merits. Moving towards the policy from university and government, a green and sustainable concept is seriously undertaken at any level of research development, including the preparation of business plan. As our commercialization product and services are in pipeline, all proposed products will be studying by selecting appropriate personnel (Research Assistant or Technical Staff), as it may enhance the practicality of commercial products and help to boost the New Academia at institutional and industrial levels. The master plan is to bring both aspect of R&D and commercialization in a long run, as the great influence via Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS). The BOS in the planning focuses on the ‘environmental’ friendship between all parties involves, as stated in Triple Helix mechanisms. Therefore, most of the proposed R&D within our product and services considers the NEW ACADEMIA solution, with BOS implementation. I hope to continue to achieve a higher level of excellence and further help the University obtain the world-class standard and contribute to the society by educating ‘environmental friendly’ civil engineers.

Research Interest

My interest in both technical and management issues have been further enhanced by attending professional courses, membership in various professional organizations, reading and intellectual discourse. My professional technical know-how has been enhanced with conducting state-of-the-art research and consultancy services).

    Management and administration. Involved in strategic planning particularly on internationalization and world-class status; financial and administrative; academic and non-academic matters. Research and publications committee member; join a center of excellence on water and environmental management,
    Professional development programs for professionals and business leaders in the area of environmental management and water resources under WET Program (Water Executive Training),
    Lecturing in environmental science and engineering for undergraduate and postgraduate courses, specializing in water and wastewater treatment, biotechnology and bioengineering, fundamental chemical sciences, river rehabilitation, particularly issues related to developing countries,
    Preparation and delivery of short course and training on water and wastewater engineering, solid/industrial waste management and cleaner production,
    Wide experience in water and wastewater laboratories using the state-of-the-art experimental methods and wastewater design and technologies,
    Computer modelling on water quality control, particularly ASIM, WEST and Qual2E,
    Initiator of various educational and infrastructural projects on environmental engineering,
    Manager and facilitator on various activities pertaining to human resource development,
    Writing and communication skills and public speaking, and
    Public relation and networking among professionals, businessmen, bureaucrats and public figures