Michelle North, PhD
Queen’s University, Canada
Michelle L. North, PhD, is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. She is supported by an Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award, and her research focuses on epigenetics and the developmental origins of allergic disease. She is also involved in clinical studies in the Environmental Exposure Unit at Kingston General Hospital. Her research interests also include the relationship between air pollution and allergic disease. She completed her PhD at the University of Toronto, in the Institute of Medical Science, with specializations in Environment & Health and Biomedical Toxicology. Her doctoral thesis focused primarily on murine models of allergic airways inflammation and airways hyperresponsiveness and was supported by a Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award.
Epigenetics, Air pollution, ozone, arginase, nitric oxide synthase, developmental origins of allergy, atopy, cord blood, murine models, airways hyperresponsiveness.