Michael M. Glenzer

Michael M. Glenzer

Michael M. Glenzer
Executive Editor
Researcher, Clinical Research Coordinator
University of California Davis, United States of America


Michael M. Glenzer worked as a biostatistician (SAS programming) and clinical research coordinator at a health university clinic since 2019. Since starting there, Glenzer been elevated to serve as the center’s primary biostatistician, while continuing to provide coordinating oversight for several complex Investigational Product clinical trials, including regulatory functions. The combination of roles exercises my ability to think both methodically and, on my feet, as needed. He do appreciate task agility; yet he also become passionate about carefully, patiently tumbling around a dataset in the pursuit of shaking out as much wisdom from it as one can.


Peer-reviewed Authorship

Michael M Glenzer, Momade Correia, Virgilio Nhantumbo, Richard FW Barnes, Elvira Luis, Ines Boaventura, Nelia Manguele, Patricia Silva, and Annette von Drygalski. Post-Partum Hemorrhage in Sub-Saharan Africa – A Prospective Study in Metropolitan Mozambique. Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (JTH), 2023 Dec; 21(12): 3463-3476.

Hannah Glonnegger, Michael M Glenzer, Lian Lancaster, Richard F.W. Barnes, Annette von Drygalski. (In Press - accepted). Prepartum Anemia and Risk of Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Meta-Analysis with Focus on Anemia Threshold. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis (CATH), 2023 Jan-Dec; 29: 1-11.

Peer-reviewed Acknowledgement

Barnes RFW, Aguero P, Hanacek C, Flores A, et al. Consistency of serial ultrasonographic joint tissue measurements by the joint (tissue) activity and damage exam (JADE) protocol in relation to hemophilic joint health parameters. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2023; 24: 299.  Role: statistical analysis, data visualization.

Gallastegui N, Steiner BUK, Aguero, Bailey, et al. The role of point-of-care musculoskeletal ultrasound for routine joint evaluation and management in the hemophilia clinic – a real world experience. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2022; 23: 111.  Role: statistical analysis.

Conference Presentations

Post-Partum Hemorrhage in Sub-Saharan Africa: First Results from a Prospective Study in Mozambique. Michael M Glenzer, Richard FW Barnes, Momade Correia, Elvira Luis, Ines Boaventura, Virgilio Nhantumbo, Nelia Manguele, Patricia Silva, Annette von Drygalski. “Conference Highlight” presentation at the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2022 Congress: Hematology Conference (London, England).  Role: primary statistician, content developer.

Poster Sessions

Predictors of Body Mass Index in Persons with Hemophilia: Results from a Multisite, Cross-sectional Study in North America. Michael M Glenzer, Richard FW Barnes, Rebecca Kruse-Jarres, Doris V Quon, Shannon Jackson, Haowei (Linda) Sun, Annette von Drygalski. National Hemophilia Foundation 2022 Conference (Washington D.C.). Role: primary statistician, content developer, presenter.

Massage Therapy as a Safe Therapeutic Option for People with Hemophilia. Robert MacDonald, Charles Hutchison, Peter Aguero, Michael M Glenzer. Western States Regional Hemophilia Network 2023 Conference (Manhatten Beach, CA).  Role: primary statistician, content developer.

Post-Partum Hemorrhage and Maternal Death in Mozambique – an Autopsy Study. Esther Chioma Emenalom, Michael M Glenzer, Momade Correia, Elvira Luis, Virgilio Nahntumbo, Patricia Silva, Annette von Drygalski. Western States Regional Hemophilia Network 2023 Conference (Manhattan Beach, CA). Role: primary statistician, content developer, presenter.

Research Interest


Fall Risk Calculator for Older Adults (physical therapy assessment tool). 2022.  Role: primary statistician/consultant.

•             Bayesian approach

•             Clustering of validated assessment tools

National Hemophilia Foundation. National Research Blueprint Initiative Workgroup (2022 – present). Role: Committee Member.