Marita Rohr Inglehart

Marita Rohr Inglehart

Marita Rohr Inglehart
Professor, Department of Periodontics & Oral Medicine
University of Michigan, School of Dentistry, USA


Marita R. Inglehart, Dr. phil. habil., is a professor of dentistry at the University of Michigan – School of Dentistry and an adjunct professor of psychology in the College of Literature, Science and Arts at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Her teaching focuses on Behavioral Science materials and how it related to oral health and oral health care interactions. Her research focuses on the way psychosocial factors affect oral health and oral health care, with a special interest in how to use behavioral science based considerations to reduce oral health disparities and to increase access to care for underserved patients.

Research Interest

Her research focuses on the way psychosocial factors affect oral health and oral health care, with a special interest in how to use behavioral science based considerations to reduce oral health disparities and to increase access to care for underserved patients.