Marija Strojnik
Optical Research Center
37150 Leon, Gto, Mexico
Dr. Marija Strojnik (Scholl) is a senior professor at the Optical Research Center in Leon, Mexico. She earned Ph. D. degree in Optical Sciences from the College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona. Professor Strojnik has published about hundred refereed papers. She is the Editor of more than 30 Conference proceedings books. Previously, Marija was appointed a Senior Optical Scientist at the Caltech’s JPL. Prof. Strojnik was awarded the SPIE George W. Goddard award for developing the autonomous technique for optical navigation using star maps and an intelligent CCD camera. The technique was used to guide the NASA Cassini mission to the outer planets in 2005, often featured on the scientific TV programs. Dr. Strojnik is a member of the editorial board of the Infrared Physics and Technology and the Scientific World Journal. Dr. Strojnik is a Fellow of the OSA and SPIE, and member of Sigma Xi.
Areas of visible and infrared science, technology, and engineering, applied to planetary exploration, including extra-solar planet detection and instrumentation. Furthermore, she is studying the scientific issues that form the basis of molecular life, including differences between bacteria, virus, and erroneous cellular development leading to cancer.