Lovell Agwaramgbo

Lovell Agwaramgbo

Lovell Agwaramgbo
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Dillard University, USA


Dr. Agwaramgbo Received his BS in Chemistry from Virginia Union University in Richmond VA, his MS and Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Howard University in Washington D.C. in the United States. Although an organic chemist by academic training, but as visiting research scientist at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center (USACE ERDC), Vicksburg, Mississippi, I worked on the phytoremediation projects dealing with plant uptake, transport, accumulation, and transformation; of organic contaminants in Soils & Plants; After Hurricane Katrina I received grants from Mitsubishi Corporation and Gulf Coast for Community renewal and Ecological Health to study soil and food safety in the affected areas. After the oil spill, I was funded to examine the impact of the oil on some biological organisms from non-point source lakes and tributaries. The Louisiana Board of Regents provided me with the funds in 2005 and 2007 to purchase instruments and enhance the training of students in environmental research. In 2008, the City of New Orleans Environmental Affairs office provided a seed grant for a pilot sunflower remediation project on blighted lots. In 2008, the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas provided me with a grant to establish an Environmental Youth Program at Area High Schools and to conduct quarterly series of Environmental workshops for Local Residents on heavy metal contaminants and their implications on gardening. In 2009, GCF again funded me to conduct Community Environmental Education and research Project in Advancing Community Collaborations, Outreach, and Enhancing Research & Awareness on Environmental Soil, Water, & Food Safety.

Research Interest

Phytoremediation projects dealing with plant uptake, transport, accumulation, and transformation; of organic contaminants in Soils & Plants