Keith R Martin

Keith R Martin

Keith R Martin
Department of Nutrition


Dr. Keith R. Martin earned his Masters in Toxicology from NC State University and his Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where his graduate work focused on dietary carotenoids and oxidative stress. Dr. Martin conducted post-doctoral work at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University focusing on dietary antioxidants (carotenoids and vitamin E isomers) and CVD. Dr. Martin conducted additional post-doctoral work at NIH focusing on the paradoxical effects of dietary antioxidants on systemic cancer using transgenic murine models of human cancer. Dr. Martin was an Assistant Professor of Nutrition at Penn State University focusing on dietary bioactive agents and mechanistic targets in cancer. Dr. Martin also served adjunct appointments in the Departments of Pathobiology, Toxicology and Molecular Carcinogenesis, and the carcinogenesis program at the Hershey Medical Center. In 2006, Dr. Martin became the Director of Nutrition Research at POM Wonderful where he oversaw, in part, the research portfolio of ~60 funded university studies. In 2007, Dr. Martin joined Arizona State University in the Nutrition Program and currently studies the effects of dietary bioactive agents and polyphenol-rich functional foods on chronic disease including CVD and cancer using molecular, cellular, in vivo, and human models. Dr. Martin has served on seven NIH grant panels, reviews manuscripts for numerous journals, and has published >40 manuscripts, book chapters, and reports.

Research Interest

Dr. Keith R. Martin research program integrates the fields of nutrition, biochemistry, molecular biology, and toxicology to address the questions surrounding the paradoxical effects of dietary bioactive agents and polyphenol-rich functional foods (tart cherries, mushrooms, etc.) on chronic disease including cardiovascular disease and cancer using molecular, cellular, in vivo, and human models.