K Michael Peddecord

K Michael Peddecord

K Michael Peddecord, PhD
Quality Health Analytics
San Diego, CA, USA


K. Michael Peddecord, Dr.P.H. is the owner of Quality Health Analytics a health research and program evaluation consulting firm. He is professor emeritus of Health Management and Policy at the Graduate School of Public Health at San Diego State University where he worked between 1981 and 2010. In addition to his teaching, his research has resulted book chapters, numerous research abstracts and more than 50 journal publications. He continues to mentor students from SDSU. He is a charter member of the San Diego Community Health Improvement Partners (SDCHIP.org ) and consults with health care systems and the Navy Health Research Center. He is a faculty Associate in the American College of Health Care Executives.

Research Interest

Adolescent immunization, Adolescent Health and Medicine.