José Manuel DomÃnguez González
Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Dr. José Manuel Domínguez González, associate professor in Chemical Engineering at the University of Vigo, Spain (born 1969), his education: M.Sc. in Chemistry – specializing in Chemical Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in 1992; PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Vigo, Spain, in 1997.Visiting researcher: Laboratory of Renewable Resources Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette (INDIANA), USA; Istituto di Ingegneria Chimica e di Processo (G. B. BONINO), Facoltá di Ingegnieria, Università degli di Genova (Italia); Grupo de Processos Fermentativos do Departamento de Biotecnologia (DEBIQ), Faculdade de Engenharia Química de Lorena (FAENQUIL) Lorena, SP (Brasil), etc.Publications: Chapters in 9 international books; more than 90 papers in peer-reviewed journals in the epigraphs of “BIOTECHNOLOGY &APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY”, “FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY” and “CHEMICAL ENGINEERING”; 90 proceedings in international congresses.
Dr. José Manuel Domínguez González research interest include Management, Revalorization and utilization of agrofood and industrial wastes for the bioconservation into food additives; Develop of new biotechnological processes; Study of different fermentations conditions and techniques; Recovery of food additives from the exhausted media.