Joe Raphael

Joe Raphael

Joe Raphael
Department of Nutrition
Pepperdine University, USA


Dr.Joe Raphael received his DrPH with specialty in Preventive Care and MBA from Loma Linda University. Prior to his DrPH/MBA Dr. Joe received his MA in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University. Currently, he is a consultant teaching others how to practice integrative Lifestyle Medicine. He is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine, the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapist, American College of Healthcare Executives and the American Psychological Association.

Research Interest

Dr. Joe began his research interest in neuropsychology. He expanded his interest into psychoneuroimmunology and now spends most of his time involved with Lifestyle Medicine. He is interested in treating the whole person through integrating nutrition, exercise, behavioral change and medicine with a focus on prevention utilizing evidence based Lifestyle Medicine.