Jiugen Wang
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Zhejiang University, China
Jiugen WANG, Professor, Supervisor for Doctoral Students, Member of the editor board for “Journal of Tribology”, Member of the Council of Tribology Society of China. He has obtained B. M. E. in 1984 from Hefei University of Technology, M. S. M. E. from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1987, and Doctor degree from Zhejiang University in 1993. He has worked at Zhejiang University since August 1987, and was a visiting scholar at Warsaw University of Technology in 1999 for six months and is professor since 2002. The scientific directions of his laboratory is study of lubrication, friction and wear, tribological design of mechanical products, and active control techniques of tribilogical processes, bionic design of structures for mechanical engineering, and bionic design of mechanical processes. His group has published more than 150 articles in relevant journals and proceedings of scientific conferences and has obtained more than 30 patents.
Bionic design, Design of rolling bearing and its spindle assembly, Design of sliding bearing and its spindle assmebly