Jiansong Tong

Jiansong Tong

Jiansong Tong
Department of Cell Biology, Scripps Research Institute


Jiansong Tong completed his PhD from Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology at Iowa State University at Ames, Iowa USA. Currently, he is a Research Associate in Department of Cell Biology at The Scripps Research Institute at La Jolla, CA USA. Dr. Tong has published several papers on esteemed journals including PNAS, Nucleic Acids Res, JBC, and BMC Systems Biol etc. He is also served as an editorial board member for journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology since year 2010 and associate editor for journal BMC Biotechnology from year 2013.

Research Interest

Jiansong Tong research interests includes liver disease, lung disease, inflammation, autoimmune reaction