Jay J Cao

Jay J Cao

Jay J Cao
Research Nutritionist, USDA ARS - Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center


Dr. Cao is a Research Nutritionist and Lead Scientist at the USDA ARS Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center. Dr. Cao has earned his Ph.D. in nutrition in 1998 from the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. He has worked in academic, clinical and industry settings, and conducted both basic and translational research with multiple animal species and human subjects. He has authored 28 peer-reviewed research publications and 7 reviews and newspaper articles. Dr. Cao has been invited many times to give presentations at domestic and foreign institutions; chaired scientific sessions at international conferences; served as an ad hoc reviewer for more than 15 professional journals; served as an ad hoc grant reviewer for several domestic and international agencies; elected as a board member of an international professional society.

Research Interest

Nutritional and physical regulation of bone metabolism in obesity dietary protein and acid-base balance on calcium and bone metabolism in humans.