Janusz Gadzinowski
Department of Neonatology
University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Professor Janusz Gadzinowski is the Chair and Head of the Neonatology Department at the University of Medical Sciences in Poznan, Poland. He was also additionally the Head of the Neonatology Department at the Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital – Research Institute at Lodz, Poland. He was the Vice President of the University of Medical Sciences at Poznan, and later the President of that University during two terms, as well as the Vice President of the Conference of the Presidents of Universities of Medical Sciences in Poland.He was the State Consultant in Neonatology, and the head of the Improvement Program of Perinatal Care in PolandHe is an honorary member of the American Pediatric Society.
RSD – Respiratory Distress Syndrome, MAS- Meconium Aspiration Syndrome, Surfactant, BPD – Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Pulmonology, PDA – Patent Ductus Arteriosus, PPHN – Pulmonary Persistent Hypertnension of the Neonates