Heinz-Ulrich (Ulli) Gunter Weier

Heinz-Ulrich (Ulli) Gunter Weier

Heinz-Ulrich (Ulli) Gunter Weier
Professor, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley


Dr. Weier received a B.S. degree (Vordiplom) in physics from the University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany, and a M.S. (Diplom) as well as a Ph.D. degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the same university. He was a scientist at one of the West-German Federal Research Centers, the gsf-Munich, before he went on sabbatical at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) in Livermore, California in 19986-1987. Following a short postdoctoral Training at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Weier continued to work as Postdoctoral Fellow and then Biomedical Scientist at LLNL. From 1991 to 1994, Dr. Weier was Specialist in the Department of Laboratory Medicine, UCSF, and since 1994 holds a position as Staff Biophysicist in the Life Sciences Division, E.O. Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Laboratory, in Berkeley, CA.  He is a Past President of the Histochemical Society.

Research Interest

Research interests include molecular cytogenetics and studies of breast and thyroid cancer.