Fang Liu

Fang Liu

Fang Liu
Division of Neurotoxicology, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Dr. Fang Liu is a scientist in the Division of Neurotoxicology, National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR)/United States Food & Drug Administration. She received her PhD in biomedical science from the University of Montreal, Canada and completed her postdoctoral training in 2010. Dr. Liu has been involved in biomedical research for more than ten years and has been an author and a co-author for more than 30 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters in the areas of pharmacology, toxicology and molecular biology. Currently, she focuses her research on developmental neurotoxicity. She is a full member of the Society of Toxicology, Society for Neuroscience and the Arkansas Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience.

Research Interest

Developmental neurotoxicity and toxicogenomics