Fabrizio NG Guarneri, MD
Dermatology unit
University of Messina, Italy
Fabrizio Nicola Giuseppe Guarneri is Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the University of Messina Italy Academic titles: Specialist and PhD in Dermatology; Specialist in Allergy and Clinical Immunology; Master in Allergologic Occupational and Environmental Dermatology University of Perugia Italy; Master in Pediatric Dermatology Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Rome Italy He is member of: Italian Society of Allergologic Occupational and Environmental Dermatology; Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology; Italian Society of Biochemistry; European Hair Research Society He was referee for 11 Journals a HRB research project Ireland and the McMaster Online Rating of Evidence System McMaster University Canada He is a teacher for medical students and residents in the University of Messina He is author of 116 papers one monographic book 11 chapters in books 125 communications in congresses update: June 2010
Dermatology, Allergy, immunology, Bioinformatics, Endocrinology