Eugene Kongnyuy

Eugene Kongnyuy

Eugene Kongnyuy
Professor, UNFPA, Maison Cummune des Nations Unies


Eugene Kongnyuyis an Obstetrician &Gynaecologist with a PhD in Public Health. He currently works forUnited Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) as Senior Maternal and Newborn Health Advisor. Before joining UNFPA, he was Clinical Lecturer in Sexual and Reproductive Health in the University of Liverpool in the UK, where he contributed significantly in the development of a new curricula of postgraduate course, taught / supervised many students and provided technical assistance to many developing countries. He has workexperience worked in more than 15 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. His research areasof interestare sexual and reproductive health, maternal and newborn health, quality of care, HIV and systematic reviews.

Research Interest

Research areas of interests: Sexual and reproductive health, maternal and newborn health, quality of care, systematic reviews.