Dr. D. Raja Jebasingh, PhD
Assistant Professor, Human Resource Management
Bharathiar University, India
[Read Interview session with Dr. D. Raja Jebasingh]
Dr. D. Raja Jebasingh, Associate Professor & Formerly Vice Principal & Research Supervisor at St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous) Bangalore. He’s former Assistant Director – Research at SJCC Research Centre. Has more than 20 years of wideranging experience in teaching, research. His research and teaching area includes Human Resource Management, Organization Behavior, and Research Methods. He also authored / co-authored books on Organization Behavior, Human Resource Development Climate, Research Methodology and tourism marketing He is also the Editor of ‘SJCC Management Research Review” Journal Published by St. Joseph’s College of Commerce and formerly approved and Listed by the UGC. He’s active member in IQAC NAAC Steering Committee at SJCC