Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou

Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou

Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou
University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands


Dr . Bahram Alamdary Badlou was born in Tehran, Iran and is working as CEO and Medical Advisor at BBAdvies and Research, Zeist, The Netherlands. Dr Badlou got his PhD on Platelets metabolism in Health and Diseases and during Transfusion from Medical University Hospital Utrecht UMCU, Utrecht The Netherlands. Dr Badlou  strong background and experience from Clinical studies to laboratory Studies of different Drugs from phase 0 up to 4, for more than 15 years worked in the Cell Biologic research, Experimental Heart Transplantation , Plasma proteins, Cardivascular Research,  Immunocytochemistry, molecular biology, Haemostasis and metabolism, Transfusion Medicine, Human and Animal (Rodents) heart surgery, tissue preparation, Human Patho-physiology, primary cell cultures, Pancreactic Stem Cells, PRP technologies.

Research Interest

Ageing- Related Diseases, Regeneration Medicine, Transfusion And Transplantation Sciences, Platelets In Helath And Diseases, And PRP Technologies.