Douglas S. Darling

Douglas S. Darling

Douglas S. Darling
Professor, Director, Oral Biology Graduate Program, Department of Oral Health and Rehabilitation
University of Louisville, USA


Dr. Douglas S. Darling received his PhD from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, in 1983. This was followed by postdoctoral work at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine (to 1987) and in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard School of Medicine (to 1992). Dr. Darling is currently a Professor at the University of Louisville School of Dentistry where he directs the ULSD Oral Biology Graduate Program. He is a member of the ULSD Center for Oral Health and Systemic Disease, as well as the Birth Defects Center. He directs a graduate course on experimental design. Dr. Darling is a molecular biologist and has directed research grants investigating molecular mechanisms in salivary gland differentiation, palate morphogenesis, eye development, and gene transcription. He has over 70 publications.  

Research Interest

Salivary gland development and cell biology,
Craniofacial development,
Molecular mechanisms of secretion
Function of salivary proteins
Regulation of gene transcription
Transcription factors in oral cancer