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Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology

Prof. Francesco Lops

Prof. Francesco Lops

Prof. Francesco Lops, M.D
Executive Editor
Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Food, Natural resources, and Engineering (DAFNE)
University of Foggia, Italy


He participated in the training courses:

 “Isolation and identification of phytopathogenic fungi” held in Gariga di Podenzano (Piacenza) from 11 to 15 May, from 7 to 11 September and from 28 September to 2 October 1992;

- “Influence of meteorological factors in the modeling of disease development” coordinated by Prof. Vittorio Rossi, held from 21 to 25 September 1992 at the Institute of Plant Pathology of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Piacenza.

From 01/11/1991 to 31/10/1994 he carried out the work related to the PhD thesis in Forest Plant Pathology (VII cycle), at the Consortium Center "Defense, Biology and Biotechnology" Department of the Faculty of Agro Forestry of the University of Basilicata. He obtained his PhD from the Institute of Plant Pathology in Bologna after the discussion of the experimental thesis entitled: Role of some types of chromogenic fungi as concomitant factors in the forest syndrome called “Pine forest decay”.

From 01/03/1995 to 15/02/1996, he won a scholarship from the National Research Council on the topic: "Transmission of fungal diseases and defense of horticultural plants", used at the Department of Enhancement and Protection of Agroforestry Resources of the University of Turin.

From 12/03/1996 to 16/02/1997, he carried out his work as the winner of a post-doctoral scholarship, lasting two years, at the Department of Plant Pathology of the University of Bari.

On 29/01/1997, he was the winner of the public competition, based on qualifications and exams, for a position of Technical Collaborator - VII qualification, functional technical-scientific and socio-health area - at the Institute of Food Production and Preparations of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Foggia branch of the University of Bari (now the University of Foggia).

With the favorable opinion of the Faculty of Agriculture Council of 27/09/1995 he was appointed Expert of the subject at the chair of Pathology of plant products and commodities and for the disciplines Plant Morphology and Physiology and Phytosanitary Aspects of Nursery.

In February 2001 he was the winner of a competition for University Researcher for the scientific-disciplinary sector G06B organized with D.R. 503 of 30/06/2000 at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Foggia.

Being suitable for the comparative assessment procedure for an associate professor position for the Scientific-Disciplinary Sector AGR / 12 "Plant Pathology", he was appointed as from 1 April 2006 associate professor at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Foggia.

Member of the regional task force for the Xylella emergency, set up by the Puglia Region.

Research Interest
  • Component of the Operational Unit of the BioCOXY Project - "Comparative study of the efficacy of biological products in the containment of CoDiRO in the settlement area of Xylella fastidiosa" approved by the Puglia Region (Determination of the Director of the Agriculture Department, Rural and Environmental Development, no. 311 of 23/09/2016).
  • Scientific director of the APROCoDiRO project - “Application of CoDiRO containment protocols”. approved by the Puglia Region (Determination of the Director of the Agriculture Department, Rural and Environmental Development, n. 311 of 09/23/2016).
  • Head of the applied research and experimentation project of the Progetto Finanza di Capitanata srl company, called: “STUDY AND MONITORING OF THE PLANT HEALTH STATUS OF DIFFERENT ARBOREAL EXAMPLES LOCATED IN THE MUNICIPAL CEMETERY OF FOGGIA 2016-2017.
  • Component of the Operational Unit of the OROPOMVEG Project - "STUDY AND EXPERIMENTATION OF INNOVATIVE MEANS OF FIGHT IN THE CONTAINMENT OF OROBANCHE RAMOSA AS AN EMERGING TOMATO PARASITIC PHANEROGAM IN PUGLIA" approved by the Puglia Region (Determination of the Agricultural Service Manager, no. 192 of 18 / 05/2016).
  • Scientific Head of Task, of the Project "Innovations for the production improvement of the White Onion of Margherita IGP" (acronym CIPOMAR) Granting of funding from the Puglia Region Resolution no. 142 of 07/04/2020 published in BURP n.53 of 16/04/2020 and relating to the call PSR PUGLIA 2014-2020 - MEASURE 16 - COOPERATION - SUB-MEASURE 16.2 "SUPPORT TO PILOT PROJECTS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PRODUCTS, PRACTICES, PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGIES "RESOLUTION N. 194 OF 12/09/2018.

Scientific coordinator of Task, of the Project “Valorisation of Limoncella apple and sustainable apple growing in the rural areas of Monti Dauni” (acronym VALMELA). Granting of funding from the Puglia Region Resolution no. 132 of 30/06/2020 and relating to the call