Bianciardi Giorgio

Bianciardi Giorgio

Bianciardi Giorgio
Researcher, Department of Medical Biotechnology
University of Siena, Italy


He graduated cum lauda in Biological Sciences in 1978, cum lauda in Medicine and Surgery in 1999, PhD degree in Experimental Medicine: Atherosclerosis in 1988, at the University of Siena, Italy. Present position is at University of Siena, as Researcher (Professore Aggregato), Dpt. Medical Biotechnology and member of the Presidio di Qualità (“quality in teaching”). Since 1975 to 2014 he has produced #347 works (Clinical Pathology/Biomedicine, in particular at morphological and morphometrical level and Astrobiology: #114 papers, #58 proceedings and other books, #4 books, #131 abstract, others). Impact Factor: 109.7. At present (since 2001/2002), he teaches "General Pathology and Physiopathology" , “Microbiological Techniques” and 7 other courses. A National Commision awarded him the "Leonardo" prize (2010) for Scientific Popularization (Città di Salerno). An international Commission awarded him the minor planet 55418 ("Bianciardi"). He is Vice-President of Unione Astrofili Italiani, Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Montarrenti (Siena), Editor of the scientific paper “Astronomia”

Research Interest

His interests are also towards Astrobiology in his links to Biophysics and Astronomy: theoretical approaches to the origin of life on Earth and research concerning the presence of life on the planet Mars, as researcher and also as popularizer. See below for the last paper published or presented at international Congress. He is Editor of the Journal "Astronomia" He is a writer on the monthly review "Coelum" and "La nuova Ecologia", concerning astrobiology and description of the sky over our head. He has published 3 books in Italian language regarding popularization of exo-astrobiology: "La vita oltre la Terra" (ed. Cuen, 1998) and "Marte. Un viaggio nel tempo e nello spazio" (ed. Il Castello, 2006), "Moonbook69" (2011) and chapters on other 2 books of the same argument. He is, since its born, at the European Workshops on Exo-Astrobiology, presenting original papers.