Baolin Zhang

Baolin Zhang

Baolin Zhang
Principal Investigator and Product Reviewer, Division of Therapeutic Proteins, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research


Baolin Zhang is a Principal Investigator of the Office of Biotechnology Products US Food and Drug Administration FDA where he is responsible for reviewing protein drug product applications and leading a research laboratory to investigate drug resistance to cancer therapies His scientific expertise is in protein chemistry and cell death signaling as evidenced by over sixty peerreviewed publications He is highly knowledgeable in FDA regulations on the manufacturing and quality controls for therapeutic proteins in treating cancer and other human diseases He serves as a reviewer of numerous peerreviewed journals in the area of cell biology and cancer drug development Prior to joining FDA in 2001 he was a Senior Research Scientist at University of Tennessee College of Medicine He also previously served as Professor and Deputy Director at Beijing Center for Biologics Development and Research and Associate Professor at Nanjing University He earned his PhD in chemistry from Peking University in 1992 He received many awards like the 2010 FDA Scientific Achievement Award for Excellence in Laboratory Science

Research Interest

Apoptosis, drug resistance and the role of Rho-GTPases in cancer