Ayat-Allah Bouramdane

Ayat-Allah Bouramdane

Ayat-Allah Bouramdane, Assistant Professor, PhD
Associate Professor, Laboratory of Renewable Energies and Advanced Materials
University of Rabat, Morocco


Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayat-Alah Bouramdane: Graduated from the International University of Rabat (IUR) as an Energy Engineer (with an exchange program at EEIGM, ENSEM, and FST of Lorraine University in Nancy), École Polytechnique (l'X) with a master's thesis conducted at Centrale Supélec-Université Paris Saclay-Sorbonne Université (GeePs lab), and from Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) (LMD lab-l'X, IPSL), Ayat-Allah focuses on modeling and optimizing energy systems (renewables, storage, and spatio-temporal complementarities) in actual and future climate impacted by climate change scenarios. Her thesis was conducted in the framework of the creation of the Energy4Climate Interdisciplinary Center (E4C) of IP Paris and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, supported by MED-OCEAN. Ayat-Allah is currently an assistant professor at the IUR (a researcher at the LERMA lab - a lecturer at the College E&A). Her research also focuses on resource management and hydrogen, based on a holistic approach that integrates technical, economic, environmental, and social dimensions. Her research has yielded peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations.

Research Interest

Master 2 Final Internship (l’X) GeePs - CentraleSupélec Laboratoire de Génie Électrique et Électronique de Paris (GeePs) – PHEMADIC Group – CentraleSupélec – Université Paris-Saclay, France. Topic: Operation of Photovoltaic Power Plants at the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) of Cachan: Data Processing, Production Modeling, Fault Detection and Diagnostics Algorithms, using Matlab. Available online: http:// doi.org/ 10.13140/ RG.2.2. 17832.24324.

Energy Engineer’s Degree Final Internship (UIR) GEP - UM6P - IRESEN Department of Electrical and Photovoltaic Systems, Benguerir, Morocco. Topic: Modeling of Renewable Hybrid Systems Based on Regional Resources in Morocco

Technical Internship (UIR) Amane THADDART Consulting Firm Topic: Monitoring of the ”Jardin Andalou” Development Project in Rabat: Topography Study, Road Infrastructure, Sizing of the Drinking Water Network, and Outdoor Lighting Network.

Observation Internship (UIR) DPI Ingénierie Consulting Firm Development of International Projects, Rabat, Morocco. Topic: Organization of the Moroccan Electrical System and Comparison of Renewable Technologies.

Discovery of Business Internship (UIR) SNCE Société Nouvelles des Conduites d’Eau (SNCE), Rabat, Morocco. Topic: Monitoring of Commercial Management for Public and Private Clients: Bidding Procedure (Tendering, Evaluation of Offers, and Contract Allocation .

Initiation Internship (UIR) CID Environment Division of the Conseil Ingénierie et Développement (CID), Rabat, Morocco. Topic: Moroccan Energy Strategy.