Alberto Bramanti
Associate Professor, Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management
Bocconi University, Italy
Alberto Bramanti (1958) is Associate Professor (since 2002) with tenure (since 2005) of Applied Economics at Bocconi University, Milan, where he teaches Regional and Urban Policies, Economic Prospects, and International Economic Prospects. He is an active member of:
Italian Association for Policies Evaluation (AIV) [since 2011]
Regional Studies Association (RSA) [since 2010]
Reseau Services et Espace (RESER) [since 1993]
Groupe de Recherche Européen sur les milieux innovateurs (GREMI) [since 1989]
Italian Section of the Regional Science Association (AISRe) and International Regional Science Association (IRSA) [since 1987]
He is back from a sabbatical leave at the JRC Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen in Ispra, where he has worked with the Unit on Statistical Indicators Policy Assessment (SIPA) with a one year research project on complex systems (system dynamics applications) and measurement techniques in the field of ‘composite indicators’ (competitiveness and attractiveness of territorial systems and digital divide).
The eight main fields of interest on which he has spent years in studying and researching activities are the following ones. They are strongly inter-linked and mutual reinforcing: Trans-border co-operation and internationalization courses; Handicraft, analysis and sectoral policies- Development models; Territorial analysis, districts and milieux; Regional policies, “governance structures” and policies evaluation; Technical tools of analysis and quantitative methodologies; Urban and service economics, commerce and tourism; Human capital, vocational training and educational success; ICTs, knowledge economy and creativity.