Abeer Al-Ghananeem

Abeer Al-Ghananeem

Abeer Al-Ghananeem
Associate Dean, College of Pharmacy
Sullivan University, USA


Dr. Al-Ghananeem received herB.S. Degree in Pharmacy from University of Jordan College of Pharmacy (1993), Masters and Ph.D. (1999) from the University of Kentucky, where she also completed a Post-Doctoral Training in Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology.She was a faculty member at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy and an associate member of the University of Kentucky Graduate Faculty. She trained few Postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and visiting scholars. Recently, Dr. Al-Ghananeem was appointed as the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Program.

Research Interest

Drug Development, Targeted Delivery, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmaceutical Technology.