The current landscape of myelodysplastic syndromes
Michael Keng
Ken Mills
Effect of intestinal microbiota on lymphoma and longevity in Atm deficient mice
Robert H Schiestl
Primary cold agglutinin disease (CAD) associated lymphoproliferative disease: A new entity
Ulla Randen
Katarzyna Piwocka
Abdel Rahim Mahmoud Muddathir
Extramedullary plasmablastic plasma cell myeloma presenting as plasmablastic lymphoma
Amar Ranjan
Jay S Raval
MicroRNA as biomarker for acute graft versus host disease
Dianzheng Zhang
Role of antioxidants and polyphenols in thrombosis and haemostatic function
Abishek B Santhakumar
Dendritic cell-based cancer immunotherapy
Shigetaka Shimodaira
Anita Nadkarni, Pooja Dabke, Roshan Colah and K Ghosh
Shyama Soorambail Keshava and Samit B Kadam
Single donor versus pooled random donor platelet concentrates: A review of literature
Sayeedul Hasan Arif, Rehman S, Ahmad S S, Khan A I, Nasreen T and Aden D
Risk factors for intracranial hemorrhage in elderly patients with blunt head trauma
John S Batchelor
Characterization of RBC mechanical properties by microfluidic techniques
Annie Viallat
Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase and regulatory T cells in acute myeloid leukemia
Rania A Zayed, Iman M Mansour, Fadwa S Abdel-Azim and Lamyaa H Abdel-Latif
Kozhikode criteria for diagnosing SLE as a hematological disorder
P K Sasidharan, Arathi N and Geetha P
Blood transfusion reaction in pediatric age group: A tertiary care centre based study
Suhailur Rehman1, Arif S H1, Mehdi G1, Afzal K1 and Siddiqui S2
Knox Van Dyke, Erhabor Osaro
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL): Where we are in 2015
Nikhil Mukhi
Post-ERCP pancreatitis: A rare cause of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome
Suresh Manapuram
Debipriya Banerjee1,2, Sahana Mazumder2 and Asru K Sinha1
Correlative study of Mentzerâ??s index, RDWI and Hb electrophoresis for β-thalassemia trait
Suhailur Rehman1, Sayeedul Hasan Arif1, Asim Israr Khan1, Aiman Khalid1 and Sana Siddiqui2
Hemophilia: Evolution and challenges in Madagascar
Olivia Ndjib
Erhabor Osaro, Mohammad Horo Jamilu, Ahmed H M and Ezimah A C U
Gene expression of P-selectin in malaria infection
Okorie Hope Mery, Ohalete C N, Dike Ndudim J N, Edward Ukamaka, Egbuobi R C and Nwosu D C
Iwunze Vincent Okechukwu, Nneka Elota and Okey Owo
Emmanuel Kufre Uko
Screening for HBsAg and HCV antibodies among military personnel in the Niger Delta of Nigeria
Azuonwu Obioma1, Erhabor Osaro2, Azuonwu Goodluck3 and Egenti Nonye4
Changes in some haemostatic parameters in pregnancy and peurperium in Port Harcourt
Echonwere Beauty
Malaria parasitaemia among long distance truck drivers in the Niger Delta of Nigeria
Fredrick Christy C1, Egenti B N1, Erhabor O2, Azuonwu O3 and Frank-Peterside N4
Biophysical aspects of the Sanarelli-Shwartzman phenomenon
Robert Michael Davidson
Hemoconcentration following spleen contraction
Harald Engan
Dalia Omran2 , Mahmoud El-Bendary1, Gamal Esmat2, Mustafa Neamatallah3, Emily Kamel3, Tarek Besheer1, Hatem Elalfy1 and Maged El-Setouhy4
Ravisekhar Gadepalli
The effect of hematology in African hospitals and patients
Udodirim Evelyn Okoro
Challenges associated with the effective management of major haemorrhage in developing countries
Erhabor Osaro1, Fredrick Christy2 and Egenti Nonye2
Emmanuel Kufre Uko1, O F Emdike1, N E Udonwa2, E J Peters2, N Jean3 and J Abdulahi3