MYC/BCL2 double hit high grade B-cell lymphoma
Shaoying Li
John Batchelor
Clinical applications of immunoglobulin expression in acute myeloid leukemia
C Cameron Yin
Treating polycythemia vera with Ruxolitinib: An update from the RESPONSE 1 & 2 trials
Simon Durrant
L-arginine and nitric oxide levels among hypertensive patient in Sokoto, North Western Nigeria
Erhabor Osaro, Adamu Hafizu Chiroma, Isaac Zama, Abdulrahaman Y, Knox Van Dyke, Liman H M, Egenti Nonye, Echonwere Beauty and Ian-Gobo Miebaka
J J Michiels
Clinical significance of CD5 expression in B-cell lymphomas
C Cameron Yin
Repurposed therapies in AML and MDS
Ken Mills
Rashmi Kanagal-Shamanna
Thrombotic complications in inherited bleeding disorders: The problem of aging population
Pavol Holly
Updates in markers of childhood leukemia
Jackleen Awadallah Raafat
Target joint: New concept of identification
Mousa Mohammad Thalath Alhaosawi
Resolve of the minors in inherited blood
Ayesha Junaid
Michael Retsky
MicroRNA-1246 is a potential regulator of factor 8 gene
C D Atreya, Tewarit Sarachana, Neetu Dahiya, Vijaya L Simhadri, Gouri Shankar Pandey, Surbhi Saini, Christine Guelcher, Michael F Guerrera, Chava Kimchi-Sarfaty and Zuben E Sauna
Visweshwar Nathan
J J Michiels
Coagulation factor IX regulates cell migration and adhesion in-vitro
Chiaki Hidai
Proteomic variability and inflammation: Novel biomarkers and pathways
Rajavashisth Tripathi
Shahtaj Khan, Awal Mir, Inam Ullah, Baber Rehman Khattak and Fazle Raziq
Nishit Kumar Gupta
Erhabor Osaro, Isah N, Ibrahim K, Abdulrahaman Y, Zama I, Ibrahim K, Buhari H, Onuigwe U F, Ibrahim B A, Ahmed M, Okwesili A, Imoru M, Udomah F A1, Hassan M, Ian-Gobo M, Echonwere B, Egenti B N and Fredrick C
Acquired hemophilia properly diagnosed, successfully treated: A report of 9 cases
Bozena Sokolowska, J Kozinska, M Koziol, K Radko, T Gromek and M Hus
Survival and clinical aspects for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Kermanshah, Iran
Mehrdad Payandeh, Edris Sadeghi and Masoud Sadeghi
Advances in stem cell and gene therapy for hemophilia
Naser Mobarra
Epidemiology of lymphoma associated HTLV1
Zahra Mozaheb
Winifred Onwurah, Odiegwu C N C, Ude R C, Okey-Onyesolu C F and Odiegwu U O
M Shahzad Sarwar and M Usman Shaikh