Sensory preference of fiber enriched wheat breads, correlation with color and crumb structure
Olivia Pinho and Zita Martins
Effects of potato/wheat flours ratio on mixing properties of dough and quality of noodles
Huayin Pu and Junrong Huang
Resistant starch from native wheat starch: Preparation and functional properties
Qi Yang
Saraswati Garai
Nora Mahfouf
Huda F Al Herz and EdD-NREM
Mireille Serhan and Joe Frangieh
Functional food product development from fish processing by-products
Reza Tahergorabi
Ria Jayne Tabinas
Impact of import restriction on rice production in Nigeria
Christiana O Igberi and Mark U Amadi
Development of green method for the defluoridation of groundwater
Tarun M Patel, A M Patel, Yesh Chaudhari, Khusboo Patel and Purvesh Shah
Emad Sabry Shaker and Said Mnaa
Effect of Storage Methods on Strawberry (Fragaria X Ananassa Duch.) fruit keeping quality
Taleb R. Abu-Zahra
Verification of ethnomedicinal claims of Abelmoschus esculentus leaves
F B Borokini
Anti-microbial and anti-oxidant activity of impregnated pectin based packaging material
Tanweer Alam, Mohd Mujeeb Ahmad and V Ravishankar Rai
40 years of innovated industrial base agri technology in sustainability for zero food waste
Liaqat Ali
Nadeem Hafeez