Creatine supplementation to modulate allergenicity in European seabass: A proteomics study
Pedro Miguel Rodrigues and Denise Schrama
Vlastimil Stejskal
Surveillance for the prevention and control of diseases in Cuban aquaculture
Raquel Silveira Coffigny, Pozo E M, Prats L F, Perez B A, Hernandez M D and Medel G M
Gender: A perspective for the development of small scale aquaculture in Cuba
Hernandez Marisela, Silveira Raquel, Delgado Gilma, Jaime Barbarito, Arencibia Gustavo and Hernandez Damaiky
Phage therapy to inactivate pathogenic bacteria in aquaculture
Adelaide Almeida, Carla Pereira and Catarina Moreirinha
Shahima Islam and Tanvir Ahmed Haroon
Mini-ROVs improving aquaculture operations
Kiara Vallier
Beni Giraspy and Grisilda Ivy
Larval rearing and early juvenile culture of the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus
Chaoshu Zeng
Counting crabs; the status of Global Scylla (mud crab) populations and their future management
Colin Shelley
Genomic advances and applications in aquaculture
Zhanjiang John Liu
Research and application of aquatic animal eco-nutrition based on industrialized culture
Yong Li, Ningning Zhao, Jing Zhang and Jun MA
Influence of exposure to magnetic field on water properties and hatchability of Artemia salina
Sadam Mohamad Hassan
Seafood inspection process by The United States Food and Drug Administration
Stanley Serfling