Extended action of FIX for improving the lifestyle of Hemophiliacs
Darrel W. Stafford
TE-MPN- Thrombotic events in myeloproliferative neoplasms: JAK2V617F mutation as a predictive marker
Adel Gouri
Akinbo Bolaji David
Hypocupremia associated cytopenia and myelopathy: A Scotland national retrospective review
Alemayehu A. Gebreyes
Amel Bouacha
Cultured red blood cells for transfusion
Anna Rita Migliaccio
Detection of alloimmunization to ensure safer transfusion practice
Rashmi Sood
Innocent Safeukui
Lessons in the care of Chronic myeloid leukemia in Africa
Anthony Oyekunle
Azamat Butaev
Metabolic resting recovers platelets activity and viability
Bahram A. Badlou
Utilisation of pMHC arrays to identify tumour antigen specific T-cell populations in leukaemia
Barbara Guinn
Baruch Wolach
Benedita Rocha
Cedric Dos Santos
Sickle cell anaemia and malaria in Uganda
Christopher M. Ndugwa
Red cell storage lesion and potential effects on the microvasculature
Christopher T. Clark
Daniela S. Krause
David Eric Ouedraogo
Hematological disorders in pregnant patients
Dorota Darmochwal-Kolarz
Ki-67 immunostaining and its correlation with microvessel density in patients with multiple myeloma
Himani Bhankhar
HCV signal to cutoff ratio in predicting Hepatitis C viremia
Hisham AbdElaziz
Hisham AbdelSadek Ismail
Iman A. Shaheen
Iskander Baybekov
Jacopo Mariotti
Julien Muzard
Coagulation tests affected by acute phase reactants such as CRP and factor VIII
Jun Teruya
Katerina Skrivanova
Keqin Kathy Li
Immunogenetic markers in Latvian patients with Borrelia burgdorferi infection
Lilija Kovalchuka
Retinal manifestations in patients with sickle cell disease referred to a University Eye Hospital
Luiz Freitas
Postsurgical infections in cardiac surgery in transfused patients with allogeneic RBCs: Metaanalysis
Marco Lai
Large-scale platelet production from stem cells: Challenges and updates
Mauro P. Avanzi
The effect of Echinacea purpura hydro alcoholic extract on the blood parameters in mice
Mehrdad Modaresi
Growth factor independent 1 (Gfi1) as a new target for the therapy of Lymphoid leukemia and lymphoma
Tarik Moroy
Nashwa Khairat Abousamra
Foetal haemoglobin levels in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) patients in Sokoto, Nigeria
Erhabor Osaro
Differential rheology of ABO blood group system
Oforvwe O. Ekakite
A case presentation of Hyperplastic gingivitis in Acute leukemia
Olesea Musteata
Dynamic length changes of telomeres and their nuclear organization in Chronic myeloid leukemia
Oumar Samassekou
Pietro Sodani
Polak-Jonkisz Dorota
Antibody orientation at bacterial surfaces has implications for both mild and severe infections
Pontus Nordenfelt
Regina MariaVilela
A novel role of protein S in regulating thrombosis, independent of activated protein C
Rinku Majumdar
Role of genomics in multiple myeloma
Saad Z. Usmani
Hemolytic disease of newborn with pure red cell aplasia due to anti-M
Satyam Arora
Shatha Yousef
Coagulation and cardiac surgery
Simon Davidson
Mimics of acute leukemia in the pediatric population
Sunita Park
Immature platelets fraction as marker of the thrombopoiesis: Clinical applications
Valery M. Pogorelov
Epidemiological patterns, diagnosis and management of Chronic myeloid leukemia
Vasile Musteata
Wesley M. Aitchison
Xin Sun
Xiao-jie Lin