Jun Ling, PhD
Professor, Biochemistry and Immunology
California University of Science and Medicine, USA
Dr. Ling received his PhD degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He had done his postdoctoral research and subsequent investigation as research faculty at University of California, Riverside and Loma Linda University School of Medicine. He then joined Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine as an assistant professor in 2008 and was later promoted to associate professor, where he had conducted basic and translational research in cancer biology areas. His previous research was supported by a Pennsylvania foundation and jointly funded by the Department of Defense. Dr. Ling had also taught MD and master’s programs there for many years. Combined with the experience in academic advising and MD/ MBS curriculum development and admission, he has matured to an educator.
mRNA translation, signal transduction, cancer biology, transcriptional regulation, nuclear receptor, proteomics, label-free biophysical technique, and vaccine development.
Giuseppe Lazzarino
Professor of Biochemistry, School of Biology, University of Catania, Italy
Prof. Giuseppe Lazzarino has received his Degree in Biological Sciences at the State University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy in 1979. In 1980 he joined an Italian pharmaceutical company, becoming head of the Biochemistry and Pharmacology Research Laboratory. In 1986 he became Researcher in Biochemistry at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy. Since 1994 he is Full Professor of Biochemistry at the School of Biology of the University of Catania, Catania, Italy. During his collaborations with different groups he spent periods at the University of Oulu, Finland (Prof. Hassinen and Prof. Nuutinen), the Webb-Waring Institute for Biomedical Research, Denver, Colorado, USA (Prof. J.M. McCord), the University of Texas, Austin, USA (Prof. J.W. Starnes) and the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA (Prof. M.J. Rovetto and Prof C.H. Hardin) doing research and giving seminars and lectures. Since the end of 2010 he established a spin-off company aimed to perform metabolic screenings of biological fluids for prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of IEM, as well as to evidence biochemical markers of clinical interests. He is an author of more than 90 papers (both original articles and reviews) in the field of biochemistry and, mostly, of translational medicine (neurotraumatology, neurology, cardiology). He holds 4 patents.
Biochemistry, clinical biochemistry and translational medicine are the main areas of interest in prof. Giuseppe Lazzarino laboratory. In particular, he has interested in studying: 1) biochemical and metabolic changes in traumatic brain injury (both in rats and human beings); 2) energy metabolism and free radical damage in animals and human beings; 3) biochemical markers of clinical relevance in different pathological states (neurodegeneration, myocardial ischemia, etc.); 4) biochemical and molecular evaluation of IEM (inborn errors of metabolism ); 5) metabolic screenings for the prenatal diagnosis of IEM.
Veronika Doubnerova
Department of Biochemistry, Charles University, Prague Czech Republic Europe
Dr. Veronika Doubnerová is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Natural Science of Charles University in Prague. She has received her Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry at the same University in 2008. The Ph.D. thesis entitled “Study of the regulation of NADP-malic enzyme (decarboxylating) and influence of stress on this enzyme” deals with plant enzyme, which gain more importance under stress conditions, especially in conditions of biotic stress caused by strains of Potato virus Y and in conditions of abiotic stress in form of drought or low CO2 availability. Presently, she continues in the research of various plant enzymes, which are involved in plant stress response. She participates in lecture Plant Biochemistry and in Practical Biochemical Courses. She is a member of FEBS and IUBMB.
Dr. Veronika Doubnerová research interests are Metabolic changes in plants under stress conditions, Enzyme kinetics and inhibition studies, NADP-dependent enzymes.
Scorei Ion Romulus
Biochemistry Department
University of Craiova, Europe, Romania
Scorei Ion Romulus research interests are Origin of life study prebiotic chemistry of Boron, Information concerning my origin of life research, Working in area of Low Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Pulse Technique, Biology and animal nutrition.
Boris I Kurganov
AN Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow, Russia
Boris Kurganov, was born in Lomonosov town on 27th June 1938. He is living in Moscow from 1943. During 1955-1960 he was a student of the chemical faculty of the Moscow State University and graduated from the University with a red diploma. From 1960 to 1964 he studied for PhD at the Moscow State University. From 1964 he was a Junior Research Associate in N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1968 to 1988 he worked in the Scientific-Industrial Association "Vitaminy"of Ministry of Medical Industry. In 1984 he was awarded the USSR State Prize in the field “Chemical basis of biological catalysis”. From 1989 he is working in Bach Institute of Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences where he is a Head of Laboratory of Enzyme Systems. He is a member of Editorial Boards of “Biochemistry (Moscow)”, “Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology” and Medline.
Boris Kurganov research interests are protein stability, protein denaturation and aggregation, Protein folding and misfolding, Protein refolding, Chaperones (including chemical chaperones), Molecular crowding, Enzyme kinetics, Allosteric enzymes, Enzymes of glycogen metabolism, Protein dissociation and association, Differential scanning calorimetry, Dynamic light scattering.