Articles published in Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology has got h-index 30, which means every article in Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology has got 30 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology.

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Year wise published articles

113 61 63 42 17

Year wise citations received

319 459 420 424 389
Journal total citations count 3621
Journal Impact Factor 1.89
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 9.93
Journal CiteScore 11.83
Journal h-index 30
Important citations

The Prevalence of Intestinal Parasite Infection in El Behara Schoolchildren

Prevalence and Intensity of Schistosomiasis in Communities around Water Reservoirs in Malawi

Swedish isolates of Vibrio cholerae enhance their survival when interacted intracellularly with Acanthamoeba castellanii

Growth and Survival of Mesorhizobium loti Inside Acanthamoeba Enhanced Its Ability to Develop More Nodules on Lotus corniculatus

Transmission electron microscopy sample preparation protocols for the ultrastructural study of cysts of free-living protozoa

Prevalence and intensity of Schistosoma mansoni infections among schoolchildren attending primary schools in an urban setting in Southwest, Ethiopia

Free-living Amoebae Recovered from Human Stool Samples in Strongyloides Agar Culture

Lack of Outer Membrane Protein A Enhances the Release of Outer Membrane Vesicles and Survival of Vibrio cholerae and Suppresses Viability of Acanthamoeba castellanii

Prevalence of Protozoa Species in Drinking and Environmental Water Sources in Sudan

Effect of Phenotypic Screening of Extracts and Fractions of Erythrophleum ivorense Leaf and Stem Bark on Immature and Adult Stages of Schistosoma mansoni

Shiga toxins decrease enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli survival within Acanthamoeba castellanii

An intracellular replication niche for Vibrio cholerae in the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii

Environmental reservoirs and mechanisms of persistence of Vibrio cholerae

The importance of evaluating measurement uncertainty for troponin I

Microbial contamination in a pediatric surgery operation theatre

Prevalence of Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus Colonization in Anterior Nares of Healthcare Workers in Alzahra Hospital

Schistosoma haematobium, Plasmodium falciparum infection and anaemia in children in Accra, Ghana

Types of Bacteria and Bacterial Cultures Isolated From Mobile Phones of Medical and Health Staffs at Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital in Baghdad City

Nasal carriage of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus among health workers in high risk units in a tertiary hospital in north western Nigeria

Anaplasmosis in ruminants and infesting ticks vectors settling Egyptian desert: Epidemiological updates regarding genetic profiles