Articles published in Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology has got h-index 30, which means every article in Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology has got 30 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology.

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Total published articles

113 61 63 42 17 21 33 47 44 30 31 49 31 3

Research, Review articles and Editorials

4 4 52 31 13 17 28 37 36 28 30 45 21 2

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

109 57 11 11 4 4 5 10 8 2 1 4 10 1

Conference proceedings

0 14 13 14 0 99 204 227 270 169 191 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

328 454 468 433 392 365 328 275 192 125 63 0 0 0
Journal total citations count 3621
Journal impact factor 1.89
Journal 5 years impact factor 9.93
Journal cite score 11.83
Journal h-index 30
Important citations

Detection of Anti-LipL32 Antibodies in Serum Samples from Horses with Chronic Intraocular Infection with Leptospira spp.

On the robustness of latent class models for diagnostic testing with no gold standard

Clinical, Bacteriology Profile, and Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection at Tertiary Care Hospital

Endemic zoonoses: a one health approach

Microbial Profile and Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Urine and Biofilm Pathogens Isolated from Catheterized Patients at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana

Enterobacter cloacae harbouring blaNDM-1, blaKPC, and blaOXA-48-like carbapenem-resistant genes isolated from different environmental sources in South Africa


Importation of leptospirosis to New York from Israel by teen travellers

The isolated Leptospira Spp. Identification by molecular biological techniques

Modulation of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines Expression of the Biofield Energy Healing (The Trivedi Effect®) Based Herbomineral Formulation in Mouse Splenocytes

Leptospirosis in Costa Rica. Diagnostic techniques and treatment

Overview of Leptospirosis

Impact of Biofield Energy Healing Treated Vitamin D3 on Human Osteoblast Cell Line (MG-63) for Bone Health

Detection and Treatment of Leptospirosis Kidney Disease

Leptospirosis: a diagnostic conundrum

Development of lipL32 real-time PCR combined with an internal and extraction control for pathogenic Leptospira detection

Laboratory Diagnosis of Bovine Abortions Caused by Non-Maintenance Pathogenic Leptospira spp.: Necropsy, Serology and Molecular Study Out of a Belgian Experience

Assessment of Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Energy of Consciousness Healing Treated Ferrous Sulphate Using PXRD, PSD, DSC, and TGA/DTG Analysis

Bacteriology and Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Uropathogens in Patients with Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Evaluation of a reduced panel of leptospira strains for microagglutination