Ziga F
Research Article
Decay of Soluble CD30 and HIV-1 Plasma Viral Load during Early Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study
Author(s): Sagoe KWC, Duedu KO, Seshie M, Agyei AA and Ziga F
Sagoe KWC, Duedu KO, Seshie M, Agyei AA and Ziga F
Background: Soluble CD30 (sCD30) has been suggested as a useful marker for estimating medium to long term viral suppression during antiretroviral therapy. High titres are also associated with hepatitis B and C virus (HBV/ HCV) infections. It is unclear if sCD30 can be used to determine short term antiretroviral responses in individuals with only HIV infection and those co-infected with HBV or HCV.
Method: Plasma samples for baseline, days 7 and 28 from 18 individuals co-infected with HIV and HBV, 5 having anti-HCV, and controls with only HIV infection were obtained from a cohort of 138 HIV infected patients with baseline CD4+ counts of ≤ 250 cells/μl. Clinical and demographic data was obtained from patient folders and sCD30 titres determined using the Human sCD30 ELISA (Bender MedSystems GmbH, Austria). HIV-1 plasma viral load was done.. View More»