Yousef Taghi Mollaei

Yousef Taghi Mollaei

West Indies

  • Research Article
    Detection of the Dry Trees Result of Oak Borer Beetle Attack Using Worldview-2 Satellite and UAV Imagery an Object-Oriented Approach
    Author(s): Yousef Taghi Mollaei, Karamshahi A and Seyyed Yousef Erfanifard Yousef Taghi Mollaei, Karamshahi A and Seyyed Yousef Erfanifard

    In Iran, forest inventory information has been essential with respect to land management because 10% of Iran is composed of forests. Therefore, accurate forest information such as tree counts, height, DBH, and volume are critical for forest management. While such data traditionally have required labor intensive and time consuming field measurement, new technologies such as remote sensing have supplemented and supplanted some of these field measurements. Although different types of sensors have been used to extract individual trees information, WorldView-2 (WV-2) has been used recently to extract surface information because WV-2 have high spatial and spectral resolution. In this study, object base classifiers (with KNN way) were used to classify WV-2 satellite and do assessment accuracy with UAV image in study sites. the study indicate that the classification accuracy of Objectbased al.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2469-4134.1000232

    Abstract PDF