Yonik Meilawati Yustiani
Research Article
Analysis on the Appropriate Model of a Community-Based Waste Management (Case of Rural Area in Karang Joang Village, Balikpapan, Indonesia)
Author(s): Indriyani Rachman, Yonik Meilawati Yustiani, Slamet Raharjo and Toru Matsumoto4Indriyani Rachman, Yonik Meilawati Yustiani, Slamet Raharjo and Toru Matsumoto4
The habit of some communities in Indonesia, including in the village of Karang Joang, Balikpapan, in handling their domestic waste is to burn the garbage without implementing the 3R concept. It happens because such habit is passing down from generation to generation. In order to be success in changing the habit, the research was conducted to obtain the appropriate waste management model for the community. In the first step, identification of public environmental awareness was conducted by means of distributing questionnaire to 500 residents, and interviewing 5 housewives, 1 grocery store owner. The questionnaire consists of material flow analysis (MFA), asking on the resident environmental awareness for their current behavior and their future potential behavior towards the waste handling. The survey results showed that 76% of the respondents did not treat the kitchen waste into compos.. View More»