Yi Zeng
Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Geriatrics Division of School of Medicine,
Interdisciplinary and Multilevel Research on Determinants of Healthy Aging
Author(s): Yi ZengYi Zeng
Populations in many countries in the world are aging rapidly, with an extraordinary increase of the oldest-old. For example, there were about 18 million oldest-old (aged 80+) in China in 2010; this number will climb dramatically to about 114 million in 2050. This dramatic increase deserves serious attention because the oldest-old consume services and medical care at a much higher rate than the young-old . The average annual rate of increase of China’s oldest-old in 2000- 2050 is estimated to be about 4.4%, which is twice that of industrialized countries. Given that human lifespan is increasing and the number of elderly (especially oldest-old) is rapidly growing, is it possible to realize compression of morbidity , or at least dynamic equilib.. View More»