Yasmin Khazaie
West Indies
Research Article
Combination of Spinal Anesthesia and Obturator Nerve Block inTransurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor, Comparison between Nerve Stimulator and Ultrasonography
Author(s): Houman Teymourian, Shayesteh Khorasanizadeh, Mohammad Reza Razzaghi and Yasmin Khazaie
Houman Teymourian, Shayesteh Khorasanizadeh, Mohammad Reza Razzaghi and Yasmin Khazaie
Background: Genito-urinary system mostly develops cancers with bladder origin which can be treated in several ways. One of the most prevalent these ways are through the urethra (TURP). For anesthesia, general anesthesia or neuraxial methods can be used but the most common procedure is spinal anesthesia. The level of sensory block should reach to T10. Obturator nerves which are part of lumbar plexus innervate adductor muscles. The nerve in its route passes close to the ladder wall. Sometimes during cauterization of the tumor this nerve is stimulated, causing reflex adductor (Jump organs) despite the spinal anesthesia. Intraoperative complications of TURP include bleeding (sometimes too much). In some cases, adductor reflex can cause rupture of the bladder due to the movement of the patient. One of the useful measures to prevent this incident is to block the Obturator n.. View More»