Vipin Saxena

  • Research Article
    Modeling for Minimization of Loneliness of People on the Social Networking Websites
    Author(s): Taskeen Zaidi and Vipin SaxenaTaskeen Zaidi and Vipin Saxena

    In the current scenario of human life, use of Internet is an integral part of human being. Internet users are rapidly increasing worldwide. Use of internet is directly or indirectly affecting the life of human being as there are several advantages and disadvantages for using the services of internet especially for the online shopping, reading, searching articles, watching movies, net surfing, etc. In the present work, a real case study of domain of Indian people is considered and questionnaire for Internet Addiction Test is prepared and statistical analysis is used to find out some of important observations related to human being which are using the internet services. Although in India, rate of internet users is very poor however Internet Addiction Test shows some significant results which minimize the loneliness of human being due to vast use of social networking sites. A model is al.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/Psychiatry.1000257

    Abstract PDF