Tourk AJ

Tourk AJ

Saudi Arabia

  • Research Article
    Plankton and Some Environmental Variables as a Water Quality Indicator for Saline Pools at the Western Red Sea (Saudi Arabia)
    Author(s): Touliabah HE*, Elbassat RA, Tourk AJ, Affan MA, Hariri MS, Hassanine RME, Abdulwassi NIH and Almutairi AWTouliabah HE*, Elbassat RA, Tourk AJ, Affan MA, Hariri MS, Hassanine RME, Abdulwassi NIH and Almutairi AW

    This study was carried out to determine the water quality of a series of micro-pools water, north Jeddah Corniche, by studying the environmental variables as well as phytoplankton abundance and community structure. Surface water samples were monitored from a series of pools over two seasons; spring (May) and autumn (November), 2013. The pools are shallow; saline to hypersaline showed salinity gradients from 40.0 to 63.0 PSU, pH values from 7.50 to 8.18; temperatures from 21.0 to 43.0°C; dissolved oxygen concentrations from 2.1-6.4 mgl-1. Nutrient concentrations were very high in spring. Nitrate ranged between 0.3 and 6.3 μM, nitrite between 0.1 and 1.2 μM, ammonia upto 16.7 μM, phosphate concentrations from 0.35 to 4.60 μM and silicate reached 20.86 μM.Species diversity (Shannon- Weaver, H) and evenness (J) were high and showed small-scale temporal and spatial varia.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2473-3350.1000417

    Abstract PDF