Tonahtiuh Rendon
Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry,
ICUAP, Pubela
Research Article
Comparison of UV Concentration Geometries as an Element Capable for the Increment of the Photocatalytic Efficiency of Advanced Oxidation Processes, Inside the Annular Batch Systems
Author(s): Tonahtiuh Rendon, Fernando Hernandez and Juan CastilloTonahtiuh Rendon, Fernando Hernandez and Juan Castillo
The present research examines the efficiency achieved by the implementation of two collectors of ultraviolet radiation in an annular batch type photochemical reactor. The first geometry corresponds to a concentric cylinder with the source of radiation, which consists in a media mercury lamp with 1000 watts of power. The second dispositive is constitute by the implementation of two compound parabolic collectors, opposed in their aperture areas, with a concentration factor equal to one and an acceptance angle of 90° . The obtained results shows the capacity of both geometries to increase the efficiency of the system during the Blue Erionyl A-R acid dye degradation, dissolved in aqueous media, by the application of Advanced Oxidation Processes, in an homogeneous phase of ultraviolet radiation and H2 O2 catalyst application. By the use of 0.05 mL per liter of hydrogen peroxide at 50.. View More»