Thannhauser TW

Thannhauser TW
College of Agriculture,
3500 John Merritt Blvd, Nashville, TN 37209

  • Research Article
    Identification of Heat-Induced Proteomes in Tomato Microspores Using LCM- Proteomics Analysis
    Author(s): Li H, Zhu Y, Rangu M, Wu X, Bhatti S, Zhou S, Yang Y, Fish T and Thannhauser TWLi H, Zhu Y, Rangu M, Wu X, Bhatti S, Zhou S, Yang Y, Fish T and Thannhauser TW

    Pollen development is highly susceptible to heat stress (HS) and the production of inviable pollen causes reduction in seed- and fruit-set in plants. This study was carried out to identify HS-induced pollen proteins and the associated biological processes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Tomato ‘Micro-Tom’ plants were incubated under 32°C//22°C (day/night, 12/12 h) for two weeks for heat treatment, and the non-treated control plants were incubated for the same time period at 25°C /22°C. Flower buds of 5 mm in length were confirmed to contain the heat sensitive uninucleate microspores. Pollen cells were harvested using laser capture microdissection (LCM) and protein was extracted using a one-step method under high pressure and vacuum. Approximately 60,000 LCMharvested microspore cells yielded about 18-20 μg proteins. The tandem mass tags (TMT) proteomics.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2168-9431.1000173

    Abstract PDF