Tatyana A Samura

  • Research Article
    Immune Phenotype of Circulating Endothelial-derived Microparticlesin Elderly Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus
    Author(s): Alexander E. Berezin, Alexander A. Kremzer, Tatyana A Samura, Tatyana A Berezina Alexander E. Berezin, Alexander A. Kremzer, Tatyana A Samura, Tatyana A Berezina

    Type two diabetes mellitus (T2DM) remains a leading contributor to cardiovascular mortality worldwide. This study was conducted to investigate the pattern of circulating EMPs in adults and elderly patients with T2DM and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Methods: The study retrospectively evolved 76 elderly patients (43 subjects with T2DM and 33 patients with MetS) and 101 adult subjects (54 subjects with T2DM and 47 patients with MetS) with metabolic disorders. All the patients have given written informed consent for participation in the study. Biomarkers were measured at baseline of the study. Results: There is a significant difference between adult subjects and elderly patients enrolled in the study regarding CD31+/annexin V+ EMPs to CD62E+ EMPs ratio and CD144+/CD31+/annexin V+ EMPs to CD62E+ EMPs ratio, which reflects impaired phenotype of EMPs. Therefore, CD31+/annexin V+ EMPs to CD62E+.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-7182.1000199

    Abstract PDF