Takahisa Masaki
Research Article
In-vitro Release of Rapamycin from a Thermosensitive Polymer for the Inhibition of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation
Author(s): Weiwei Zhu, Takahisa Masaki, Alfred K. Cheung and Steven E. KernWeiwei Zhu, Takahisa Masaki, Alfred K. Cheung and Steven E. Kern
Hemodialysis arteriovenous grafts are often plagued by stenosis at the anastomosis, which is due to th e prolifera- tion of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). To pre vent the stenosis, we have been developing a strate gy for the sustained perivascular delivery of an antiprolifera tive agent, rapamycin, using an injectable biodegra dable polymer, ReGel ® . In this study we examined the in-vitro kinetics of rapamycin released from ReGel and its efficacy for inhibit- ing the proliferation of human and porcine venous a nd arterial SMCs. To study the release from ReGel, rapamycin was mixed with ReGel and incubated at 37 ° C in a release medium. The release medium was perio dically sampled and assayed for rapamycin concentration by UV. Cellular uptake and release of rapamycin were examined by i ncubating SMCs with rapamycin for various durations. Intracel lular drug was extracte.. View More»