Stanley Princewill

  • Research Article
    Clinical Factors as Predictors of Depression in a Nigerian Prison Population
    Author(s): Uche Adolphus Nwaopara and Stanley PrincewillUche Adolphus Nwaopara and Stanley Princewill

    Background: Despite growing inmate populations in the Nigeria, inmates are excluded from most national health surveys and little is known about whether the prevalence of depression among the incarcerated is affected by clinical factors. Aim: To investigate the clinical predictors of Depression in a Nigerian prison. Methods: Through stratified random sampling, 400 prisoners were interviewed using the Depression component of WHO SCAN in a 2-stage design after screening with the BDI. SPSS Version 17, was used for analysis and test of significance was set at p<0.05. Findings: 169 presented with depression using BDI. SCAN revealed a prevalence of 59(14.8%) for mild depression with somatic features, 57(14.2%) for moderate depression with somatic features, 25(6.2%) sever.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2378-5756.1000345

    Abstract PDF