Snowden MJ
United Kingdom
Research Article
A Modern Approach to the Heckel Equation: The Effect of Compaction
Pressure on the Yield Pressure of Ibuprofen and its Sodium Salt
Author(s): Hooper D, Clarke FC, John Mitchell and Snowden MJ
Hooper D, Clarke FC, John Mitchell and Snowden MJ
Despite being heavily criticised in the literature the most widely used and accepted compaction equation is the Heckel equation proposed by Heckel in 1961. Its presence in literature for 55 years is due to the ease in which it can distinguish between plastic and brittle materials. Achieving the correct balance of plastic and brittle materials in a formulation is critical to ensure adequate tablet strength is achieved therefore classifying materials using the Heckel equation is attractive. Despite the importance of this understanding, especially in the design and manufacture of direct compression formulations, there are no set analytical testing standards or materials classification guidelines. Instead many workers have attempted to develop techniques for the measurement and classification of a materials deformation but there is still confusion and contradiction presen.. View More»